Manage Your Money Like a Fucking Grownup is available in the following editions and formats:
- The South African adults edition
- The South African teen edition
- The U.K. edition
- The German edition
- The German audiobook

About the book
You're going to earn plenty of money over your lifetime. Are you going to waste it on stupid crap that doesn't make you happy, or let it buy your freedom and your most audacious dreams?
We never get an instruction manual about how money works. Most of what we learn about money comes from advertising or from other people who know as little as we do. No wonder we make such basic mistakes. No wonder we feel disempowered and scared. No wonder so many of us just decide to stick our heads in the damn sand and never deal with it. In Manage Your Money Like a F*cking Grown Up, Sam Beckbessinger tells it to you straight: how to take control of your money to take control of your life.
In this clear and engaging basic guide to managing your finances, you will learn:
- How to trick your dumb brain into saving more, without giving up fun
- How to make a bona fide grown-up budget
- Why you need to forget what you've learned about credit
- How to negotiate a raise
- Why buying a house (probably) won't make you rich
- The one super-simple investment you need
With helpful exercises, informative illustrations (also: kittens) and straightforward advice, this book doesn't shy away from the psychology of money, and is empowering, humorous and helpful. The book you wish you'd had at 25, but is never too late to read.
What's inside?
Chapter 1 - This book is for you
- Money and freedom
- The economy is broken
- Your brain on money
Chapter 2 - A money crash course
- Money is simple; finance dudes want you to think it's hard
- Save your money
- Grow your money
- Keep your money safe
Chapter 3 - Get your shit together
- Your money dashboard
- Track your money
- Get the details about your accounts
- Categorise your spending
- Bonus round: check your credit score
- Stop! Analysis time
- Managing the feels
Chapter 4 - Figure out which game you're playing
- Play one game at a time
- Game 1: Emergency Lockdown Mode
- Game 2: Build an Oh Shit Fund
- Game 3: Get the Fuck Out of Debt
- Game 4: Build a Table Flip Fund
- Game 5: Special Savings Goals
- Game 6: Work for your Freedom
- Game 7: Don't be Old and Poor
- Putting it all together
Chapter 5 - Wrangle your spending
- Pay yourself first
- How to tackle your spending
- Recurring bills
- Dealing with exceptions
- Day-to-day spending
- Home, expensive home
- Your car will make you poor
- Everything you need to know about taxes
- Money and your family
Chapter 6 - Making money
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- Funding studies
- Side-hustles
- There's no such thing as free money
Chapter 7 - Get the right accounts
- General principles for choosing accounts
- Basic bank accounts
- Cut up your credit cards
- Savings accounts
- Some principles for investing
- Investing for your retirement
- Investing for your freedom
- Insurance
- Stuff to ignore
Chapter 8 - Staying motivated
- Wanna try some financial maths?
- Your new money habits
- See a financial advisor
- Enjoy your life