Crafting your own apprenticeship
Some thoughts on midlife career switches and weaponizing your imposter syndrome
Where do I invest my own money?
A roundup of the funds, products and tools that I use to manage my own financial life.
How to make hard decisions
A practical guide to tough choices.
The dumbest thing I ever bought
What buying a car really does to your finances.
Looking = Loving
On pet rocks, citizen science, and 17-19th century naturalists.
I finished a draft of my novel wheeeeee!
I am a literary goddess. All shall love me and despair.
Imagining the future is how we create it
Read an extract from "Undercurrency", a love story about ocean farming.
Hooray for 20 years of Wikipedia!
Enthusing about my new favourite lockdown hobby: editing Wikipedia pages.
Planning for life as a post-covid digital nomad
How much would it cost me to spend a few years as a digital nomad?