Life-themes archive
One of the most helpful things I've been doing for the past few years is setting a theme
"I don't finish scripts, they get confiscated"
Ten quick things I wanted to share with you this week.
The Old Chesterton Allotment Society
How to grow potatoes for fun and very little profit
Winning the "War"
Looking at my grampa's photographs from WWII
I remember Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid
Memories from primary school
How to build a cold-weather wardrobe from scratch
Adjusting to living in a cold country for the first time? Here's everything I've learned about staying warm on a budget.
Looking = Loving
On pet rocks, citizen science, and 17-19th century naturalists.
Would somebody tell me what's happening, please? I'm so confused.
How to make sense of things when you feel like you're living in a totally different reality to everyone else around you.
What to do when a loved one is dying, or has died
Some practical tips for managing the death of someone you love.
My actual daily routine under lockdown ⏰
We've all heard by now that routine is the best way to stay sane and give structure to your days when you're stuck in the same bloody place all the time. That's fine and dandy except if your daily routine involves eating lots of snacks.