Cancel your subscriptions
Cancel your subscriptions and save money. Here is a list of contact numbers to cancel all the likely candidates in South Africa.
Some great apps and tools to help you manage your money
Here's a list of useful apps and tools to help you manage your money in South Africa.
How much should you be paying your domestic worker?
Are you paying your domestic worker a living wage? Here's a calculator to help you work out what you should be paying.
Should you keep renting, or buy a house?
Here's a great tool to help you work out whether you should buy a house or keep renting your home in South Africa.
How to find a financial adviser who doesn't suck
A guide to choosing a good financial adviser for your money, in South Africa.
Find your credit score
Here's a guide to how to check your own credit score in South Africa.
How much is your car worth
Should you sell your car? Here's a tool to help you work out how much your car is worth if you sell it. Features two different car valuation calculators.